We provide IP translations from Osaka, Japan.  Since 2006, we have been dedicated to the provision of IP translations.  In 2012, we were selected by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as one of the official LSPs.  Our presence is globally recognizable.


We confidently provide translations of patent, trademark, various contracts, etc. We translate your patents according to US, PCT, JPO application.  Needless tosay, we can translate a patent publication for information. 


Languages: Japanese, English

J2E translation fee: 13 yen per JP character

E2J translation fee: 24 yen per EN word

*The above fees include translation and check by different operators.


English name: MK Translation Firm  

Address: Kimisho Bldg 3rd floor, Awaji-machi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka, 541-0047 Japan

Tel: +81-6-6202-9201

Fax: +81-6-6202-9202

mail address:info(at)mktranslationfirm.com

skype: @mktranslation

Business hours:09:00 - 18:00

Closed: Saturday, Sunday, and bank holidays

Corporate member: Japan Translation Federation (JTF), Osaka Chamber of Commerce